Words Mean Things

Therefore, when a Democrat in the General Assembly asserts that HB 19-1177 is “constitutional”, he is either lying intentionally or inadvertently misleading through ignorance. Either way, simply asserting a thing to be true doesn’t make it so. An “unconstitutional” law is also an “illegal” law, since the determination of legality derives from the constitution.

Sean Maloney for NRA Board of Directors

I urge all freedom loving NRA voting members to cast their ballots for Sean Maloney for re-election to the National Rifle Association Board of Directors. You should have already received your ballot in the February issue of America’s First Freedom. I […]

Why Capacity Matters

“Ammunition capacity. Handgun, shotgun and rifle capacity.” Much is made of “high capacity” firearms. Gun control advocates talk endlessly about how scary and needless they are in civilian life. How politicians, in the interest of public safety, need to limit […]