The Progressive Advantage

Since the disastrous election of 2018, I’ve heard many theories put forth on why Colorado Republicans fared so poorly. In electoral terms, it was a walloping. Democrats seized a 3-seat majority in the Senate, increased their majority to 41 in […]

More Objections to FAMLI

On Wednesday, March 13, 2019, during a raging “bomb cyclone” of a blizzard that claimed at least one life, Colorado Democrats held a hearing on SB 19-188, the Family and Medical Leave Insurance program. I had planned to attend the […]

Say No to FAMLI

On March 7th, halfway through a session full of terrible legislation, the Colorado Senate Democrats led by Faith Winter (D-Westminster), dropped Senate Bill 19-188, a bill for the creation of a Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI). Senator Winter […]

Words Mean Things

Therefore, when a Democrat in the General Assembly asserts that HB 19-1177 is “constitutional”, he is either lying intentionally or inadvertently misleading through ignorance. Either way, simply asserting a thing to be true doesn’t make it so. An “unconstitutional” law is also an “illegal” law, since the determination of legality derives from the constitution.

Red Flag of Doom

This illegal bill is being heard before the Colorado House Judiciary Committee at 1:30 pm on Thursday, February 21 in the Old State Library room. Because the notice was less than a week, I know many gun rights advocates will not be able to take off time from work to travel to the capitol and sit around for hours waiting to testify for three minutes. However, you can and should let the legislators on the Judiciary Committee know of your strong opposition. Their email addresses are provided below. Talk to your friends and let your thoughts be known on social media – Twitter in the #copolitics and #coleg hashtags, on Facebook and via letters to editors and journalists.

Freedom Isn’t Free

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, […]

FASTER – Putting It All Together

This August, I was invited to attend the third Faculty/Administrator Safety Training and Emergency Response (FASTER) class of the summer as a blogger/journalist to write about the experience, which I did in my three-part series covering each day of the […]